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  • Our integrated Safety Management System is applied across the full scope of CGA operations.

    The core of our Safety Management System focuses on the Knowledge, Competence & Skill of our personnel, which is managed through Communication, Consultation & Collaboration.

    Our Systems & Processes are modelled off the ISO Standards for Quality, Risk, Environmental & Occupational Safety Management, ensuring that we aim to meet both benchmark for best practice & continual improvement. 

  • Carroll Group Aus (CGA) is accredited under the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) for Basic Fatigue Management (BFM), Maintenance Management, and Mass Management. This enables us to implement a robust fatigue risk management system, offering our drivers more flexible work and rest options to complete their transport tasks safely and efficiently.

     Our approach to vehicle and equipment procurement is comprehensive, considering the needs of our clients, drivers, and the environment. By focusing on Maintenance and Mass Management, we ensure maximum efficiency to ensure optimized asset utilization. In addition to upholding our ISO accreditations for Quality, Safety, and Environmental Management, we are committed to continuously reducing emissions and consumables. This dedication allows us to maintain the highest standards of safety and environmental responsibility while striving for sustainable and efficient operations.

  • The CGA Fleet meets the Heavy Vehicle Safety Standards set out by the Safer Together Heavy Vehicle Specification, including the use of IVMS to manage driver behaviour and performance.

    As a Safer Together member, CGA has implemented the guidance outlined in the common industry competencies for personnel working within the energy sector in QLD, NT & WA to ensure the continued safety & development of our personnel.